Monday, September 30, 2019

Term Paper on Fm Radio of Bangladesh

This report is based on the survey on the opinion about FM revolution in Bangladesh. As our course requirement was to prepare a term paper based on survey so we have selected FM industry as our project area. FM industry has taken a different look in our country now-a-days with the launch of three private FM stations. So the recent craze or popularity of FM stations is a very contemporary issue and can be referred as FM revolution. Therefore, we decided to conduct a survey to find out which is the most popular FM station and why?As Radio Today, Radio Foorti and Radio Amar are mostly listened so all of our questions for survey were asked regarding these three private FM stations. We surveyed 25 people aged from 15 to 27. Our questions were set in a manner so that we can find out which is the most popular FM station among Radio Today, Radio Foorti and Radio Amar and reason behind its popularity. We believe studying the popularity issues of FM stations would give us a comprehensive under standing of the current communication pattern in the media and it will expand our learning of this course of Business Communication.We have divided the objective of this report into two parts. One is general and the other is more specific. These objectives are stated below: General Objectives General objective of this report is to conduct a survey to find out which is the most popular FM station and why. To meet this goal we conduct a survey on 25 people aged from 15 to 27. According to the result of the survey we have developed this report. During our survey we aimed to understand some specific criteria which can be regarded as our specific objective. These are as follows: Specific ObjectivesTo find out the most popular FM station and reason behind its popularity we specified our questioner to the criteria as follows: Rating of popularity Major criteria for popularity General complains of listeners Suggestions We have collected our data from both primary source and secondary source . We have mostly used our textbooks and the Internet as the vehicle of the secondary source. In addition for our primary source of information we have conducted a survey on 25 people aged from 15 to 27. Then we have studied the gathered data and find the actual information of our project.We also use some graphs and tables to represent data in a grouped manner. We believe that the future scope of this report can be of very wide range. As FM industry has proved to be a promising sector in media of Bangladesh so knowledge of popularity trends of this sector is very helpful regarding to conduct future research. Our report also provides a clear and specific idea of the current program features of FM stations, complains and suggestions of listeners. So for developing a popular FM station this report can provide innovative ideas and suggestions after further research.We acknowledge that our report is not a comprehensive representation of all the information regarding FM industry. These dis crepancies are primarily due to the fact that our aim was to conduct a report which is very short and precise. So we only put focus on our specific objectives. As a result we put emphasis on recently launched three private FM stations. As our sample size of the survey was also very few so it is natural that we have able to cover a very precise and specific area regarding this report.Regardless, we have furnished the report to the best of our ability and we are willing to change any part of our report in light of new and credible information. Chapter Two Recent times have seen an upsurge in FM industry in Bangladesh. Specially Private sector FM (frequency modulation) band radio channels are becoming popular with the people in and around the Dhaka city, mainly to the students and young generation, for their differences in the presentation style and variation in news and other programs.Apart from the in-house listeners, many of the youngsters, who were used to carry MP3 players, now li sten to music and news on the FM radio-enabled mobile phone sets. A List of Bangladeshi radio stations is given below: National Bangladesh Betar FM Stations Radio Today FM 88. 0 Radio Foorti FM 89. 6 Radio Amar (Uniwave) FM 101 ABC (coming soon) Radio Metrowave Online Streaming Radio ONIYOM Bengali Live Classic Streaming But among all these stations recently launched three FM band stations— Radio Today, Radio Foorti and Radio Amar— are mostly listened by general people.These stations are currently on air with 100 kilometers radius that covers Dhaka and surrounding 15 districts. Because of the variety of contents, new way of presentation and technical superiority, FM radio is gaining popularly despite the operation of a number of television channels. Radio Today (FM 89. 6); the country’s first 24-hour radio station went on air on September 16. Radio Foorti, the country’s second 24-hour radio station and first entertainment and fun radio, went on air on Sep tember 21. Radio Foorti is purely for entertainment and fun. Radio Amar has been launched recently.Apart from these stations, another privately-owned FM band radio stations — Ayna Broadcasting Corporation— are coming on air soon with a challenge to make radio popular with the people in Dhaka and its adjoining districts. In developed countries, radio is still a very popular medium of entertainment and news and the objective of the authorities of the radio stations is also take radio to that level of entertainment art. In those countries, Radio is still a big part of their lifestyle, and in our country a niche has been carved recently for radio in the hearts of the people.Sakib, a student, said ‘Earlier I would carry a MP3 player. Now I just use my mobile phone set to listen to music and the news updates’. Radio Today simultaneously airs information and entertainment, which the authorities term ‘infotainment’. It covers news and views on politic al events, sports, education, business and commerce while Radio Foorti broadcasts music, talk show, celebrity show, advertisements and live programs of pure entertainment. Out of 2. 3 crore people in 16 districts, FM radio’s target audience include school, college and university students, housewives and executives.Age limit of their target audiences ranges between 16 years and 40 years. Persons aged over 40 years may also be listeners if they are still young in spirit. With the huge response of listeners these private FM stations are planning to be expanded throughout the country. As Radio Today, Radio Foorti and Radio Amar are mostly listened so all of our questions during survey were asked regarding these three private FM stations. We surveyed 25 people aged from 15 to 27. Our questions were set in a manner so that we can find out which is the most popular FM station among Radio Today, Radio Foorti and Radio Amar and why?According to our survey we have gathered some statist ical data and we have analyzed those data graphically and came to some assumption. Findings of our survey will be explained throughout the report. To find out the most popular FM station among the most listened Radio Today, Radio Foorti and Radio Amar we conducted a survey on 25 people aged from 15 to 27. We have prepared a structured questioner in order to get the information easily and quickly. We had in total 8 questions in our questioner which were asked basically to find out some specific criteria.In order to avoid biasness we set two opinion based questions as open questions. After completing survey we gathered some statistical data and we have analyzed those data graphically. Our entire survey can be divided into four parts. This are- These parts are briefly discussed below with necessary graphs and tables: 1st two questions of our survey were asked to judge the popularity of FM stations. We tried to find out the most popular FM station among the most listened Radio Today, Ra dio Foorti and Radio Amar. Our 1st question was- How do you feel about listening to radio?Options: Awesome Good Ok Bad The response to this question is shown below graphically: So from this graph we can understand that 12% of people from our survey said awesome, 60% said well (good), 20% said ok and only 8% said badly as their feelings about listening to radio. 2nd question was- Which station do you like most? Options: Radio Today-89. 6 FM Radio Foorti-88. 0 FM Radio Amar-101. 0 FM The responses to this question are shown below graphically: Among 25 people 7 said that they like Radio Today-89. 6 FM, 14 like Radio Foorti-88. 0 FM and 4 people like Radio Amar-101. FM. So from these two graphs we can easily understand that FM radio is very popular among most of the people and Radio Foorti-88. 0 FM is the most popular FM station among the most listened three private FM station. Radio today is the 2nd most popular FM station according to our survey. To analyze and understand the criteria for popularity of the FM stations we interviewed a several questions during our survey. These questions can be categorized into different topics. These categorical questions are explained graphically below with the responses: FeaturesFM stations use a number of attractive tools for their listeners which can be referred as features. These features include program features, Radio Jockey, songs, information, flexible accessibilities etc. To find out the most popular feature we set the 3rd question in our questioner as- Why do you like your preferred station? Options: Program features Radio Jockey Flexible accessibility Songs Information Among 25 people 8 said that they prefer Program features, 6 people prefer Radio Jockey, 4 people chose songs and 2 people chose information as their main reason behind likings about FM station.Again 5 people listen to their preferable FM station as this media of entertainment and information can be accessed flexibly from mobile, MP3 player and even car . So for them their favorite FM station is preferred because it does not require sitting in front of television or at any fixed place. They can easily tune to their favorite station at home, work or even at roads. These data are shown below graphically: So from this graph we can understand that program feature is the most popular feature among the listeners of FM channels.To find out what type of program is most popular we asked another question during our survey- Which type of program of FM do you like most? Options: Informative Celebrity show & Talk show Request show (SMS sending segment) Quiz contest Among 25 people 2 people like informative show, 11 people like celebrity show & talk show, 7 people like request show and 5 people like quiz contest show most. This information is represented graphically below: So from this graph we can assume that celebrity and talk shows are most popular at FM. Sound QualityAs FM channels are enjoyed through listening so quality of sound is a matte r of consideration for popularity of FM stations. To find out how the listeners are reacting to the sound quality of various stations we asked two questions. These are as follows- Which station’s sound quality seems better to you? Options: Radio Today-98. 6 FM Radio Foorti-88. 0 FM Radio Amar-101. 0 FM Among 25 people 13 people said that sound quality of Radio Today is better, 7 people said sound quality of Radio Foorti is better, 5 people said sound quality of Radio Amar is better.This information is represented graphically below: So from this graph it is clear that sound quality of Radio Today seems comparatively better to the majority. To analyze which is important to listeners in terms of choosing preferable station we asked another question- Which is important to you in terms of choosing your preferable station? Options: Sound Quality Program Features Both From these options 6 persons chose sound quality, 12 persons selected both and 7 people selected program features. T his information is represented below graphically:So from this graph we can easily understand most of the people prefer both sound quality and program features. In order to avoid biasness, in our questioner we have included an open question stated as- Any complain against FM stations? We have received various opinions as answers for this question. 12 people said that advertisement on FM is very boring, 5 people said that there are lack of certain programs such as special program for children and aged people, religious program etc, 8 people complained that there is no access from rural area.These numerical values are represented below graphically: In order to avoid biasness, in our questioner we have included an open question stated as- Any suggestion for FM industry? We have received various opinions as answers for this question. 8 people said that some specific program should be included such as- career info, education tips etc, 12 people said FM should be expanded throughout the co untry and 5 people said that more FM stations should be launched. These numerical values are represented below graphically: Chapter ThreeOn the basis of our survey and analysis conducted in previous chapter we are finally enriched with some valuable findings regarding FM industry. These findings are listed below: FM channels, specially the private FM stations have become popular now-a-days. Majority (92%) of the people whom we have interviewed during our survey feel positive about listening to radio. Among the three recently launched private FM station Radio Foorti is most popular and Radio Today is second most popular FM station according to our survey.Likings about program feature are the most popular reason for preferring individual’s favorite FM station. The second common reason for listening to favorite station is attractive and interesting Radio Jockey. Another important reason for choosing a favorite radio station as a media of entertainment is its flexible accessibili ty. According to our survey among different programs celebrity and talk shows are most popular. The least popular is the informative features. According to our survey we have found that sound quality of Radio Today seems better to the majority.On the other hand most of the people put emphasis both on program features and sound quality. So Radio Foorti becomes the most popular FM station satisfying all these criteria as a result of our survey. The most general complain that we have came across is against boring advertisement on FM. Most of the people have recommended expanding these FM stations throughout the country. On the basis of the general complains and suggestion of listeners that we came across during our survey we would like to recommend a few points to the FM industry as a whole.These recommendations are- Advertisements on FM should be made more interesting as majority of the people (48%) whom we have interviewed have complained against boring advertisement on FM. Some spec ific program, for example- special program for children and aged, religious program, career info, education tips, political talk shows should be introduced on FM to meet the listener’s demand. FM stations should be expanded throughout the country so that it is accessible from anywhere. FM industry has been focused under the lime light recently.Introduction of three private FM stations have created a new craze among young generation specially. This popularity can be referred as FM revolution. Throughout this report we have tried to analyze the statistical data gathered during survey. We aimed to find out which is the most popular FM station and why? The result of our survey is that the most popular FM station is Radio Foorti as it has been able to create a good harmony with the listeners. As our sample size of the survey was vey small so it is natural that this result could be vary while surveying on large number of people.Again the people we have interviewed are aged from 15 to 27. So they mainly represent the young generation. Surveying on different age group may result in different answer. So we acknowledge that due to these limitations stated above there some variation might arise. Regardless we will retract or modify any part of this report or recommendations if that may contradict with any real information. www. radiofoorti. fm (accessed date: 1st April-21st April) www. radiotodaybd. fm (accessed date: 1st April-21st April)

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Jane Eyre Is a Romantic Novel

Jane Eyre can easily be classified as a romantic novel. The term â€Å"romantic† usually brings to mind images of love , however, it is much more than that. It is filled with emotion and freedom and can also be seen as the main conflict of the narrative because that is what the characters central struggles evolve around which is why â€Å"Jane Eyre† which can easily be classified as a romantic novel. Throughout the novel romance can be portrayed in many ways such as Berthas acts of arson. She is known as the â€Å"madwoman in the attic† and put Mr Rochester through â€Å"hideous and degrading agonies† as she went against Victorian morals and commited adultery.This act of madness cause Jane to save Mr Rochester, and when Jane extinguishes the literal flames it can be seen as a metaphor for the new ones she is about to kindle with Rochester. Berthas arson symbolizes her using the power of sexuality to destroy Rochester’s home however she has unintenti ally opened a new chapter of love in his life. Sharing the secret of the fire brings them both closer and their increased closeness causes Mr Rochester’s romantic feelings towards Jane to grow, finally resulting in him proposing to Jane adding to the romantic element of the plot.When Jane learns that Mr Rochester is already married she has to make the difficult decision of wether to leave him and her life at thornfield behind or not. Mrs Fairfax clearly warns Jane of the disagreements she is bound to have with Rochester when she explains to her â€Å"Gentlemen in his station are not accustomed to marrying their governesses†. Jane wishing to uphold the common life of a governess does not make her love Mr Rochester any less but it does create dangerous tension between them.The tense atmosphere now created may possibly contribute to Jane’s choice to run away from Thornfield which we see later in the story is the path she needed to choose in order to live the life s he longed for with Mr Rochester. On the other hand, her decision may not have been made on the terms that it was morally wrong in society to be with a married man, the motive behind it was more likely to be based on her own emotions and love for Rochester. â€Å"My hand moved towards the lock: I caught it back and glided on†, this conveys that Jane had powerful feelings for Rochester and could not commit to a man who could not fully commit to her.She has let her heart over rule her mind and the stubborn tone here highlights that Jane knows she is making the right decision as her emotions always benefit her. This intensity of emotions conveys that â€Å"Jane Eyre† can be easily classified as a romantic novel. The decision to leave Mr Rochester adds to the romantic element of the novel as it leads Jane down a path that will have her make decisions that will majorly effect her outcome in life and love. As she moves on to Moor house and meets St. John, he proposes to marry her as she would make the perfect wife for the missionary life that he leads.The entire reason this shocking marriage is proposed is because St. John firmly thinks that â€Å"God and nature intended for a missionary’s wife†. This occurs only because St. John notices that Jane fits the role of a missionary wife and a wife would aid him in pursuing his ultimate goal, to live the common life of a missionary. He does not take Janes feelings into consideration and she refuses this lifestyle. The lifestyles of a governess, missionary, and member of high society cause conflicts that have a meaningful effect on the romantic plot of Jane Eyre. Furthermore like St.John, Jane’s heart belongs to someone else and she uses harsh imagery to project her emotions and refer to him as â€Å"a stranger – unsympathizing alien† and refuses this proposal. Women in the 18th century were expected to marry in order to make something of themselve’s as they had no oth er role to play in society, so some may have considered this refusal foolish as Jane would have to live a life of solitude and become an outcast. However, Jane’s refusal of a secure and exciting life causes her to follow her heart and once again persue her beloved Mr Rochester which is a crucial part of the romantic plot.The consequence of the romantic idea of following your emotions evokes changes in Jane’s life that effects the entire plot of the story, highlight that â€Å"Jane Eyre† can be easily classified as a romantic novel. Overall it is the romantic elements that Bronte uses such as the power of emotions and moral conflicts that causes â€Å"Jane Eyre† to be classified as a romantic novel. They effect the path in which Jane takes and are crucial to the romantic plot of the story which makes the novel unique to others.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Public Law Course Work Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Public Law Course Work - Assignment Example Question How, if at all, can Estelle and Gary use the Human Rights Act 1998 to challenge conditions 4 and 5 of the Council letter? Discuss what legal arguments can they make under the Human Rights Act 1998 and what remedy or remedies the members could seek. The Human Rights Act 1998 received royal assent on November 9, 1998 and came into force on October 2, 2000. The objective of said Act was to harmonize the domestic law of the United Kingdom with the European Convention on Human Rights. To reaffirm the commitment of the UK to human rights and civil liberties, it is now possible under the said Act to file a claim for violation of the ECHR without going to the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. Says Weinstein (2000): This ability to transcend national law, and to compel revision of such law to comport with rights guaranteed by the European Convention in a broad range of areas, most often within the exclusive purview of national and local courts, is of historic note. Generally, nation states have been the final arbiters of most issues affecting their citizenry and within their borders. By treaty, the signatory nations of Europe have granted the ECHR binding authority to decide cases affecting their citizenry and other persons subject to their authority. In instances where state law is found inconsistent with an ECHR judgment, the nation at issue is obliged to amend its national law to comport with the ECHR decision.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Article on a controversial subject Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Article on a controversial subject - Essay Example First, the author does not indicate, who conducted this study, where it was conducted as well as the materials that were used to facilitate the data that was collected. In this regard, this statement and the data may be regarded as a generalized perspective owing to the fact that its validity is yet to be proven. Secondly, the author provides data indicating a research that was undertaken in 2008 by the Pew Research Centre concerning the support and opposition of gay marriage; the research indicated that approximately 47% of the American Populace opposed gay marriage while 43% supported gay marriage. However, the article fails to indicate where specifically the study was conducted and how it was conducted. America is considered one of the largest nations in terms of geographical and demographical size: Therefore, the essence of providing data regarding a study that was conducted in America without proper proof and credibility, would lead to a scenario where information is considered general or less credible. At the beginning of the article, the author makes a claiming indicating that it seems in the previous year, that opposition to gay marriage was used as a strategy to rally and energize conservative foundations. This statement is not supported by any fact or data, and may be considered a personal perspective of the author. Additionally, acknowledging the fact that the owner uses the word ‘seems’, one may conclude that the information provided by the author could be basically a personal opinion rather than factual information. Taking into consideration the fact that the article was published in 2012, the major issue that arises in regard to usability and reliability of the information indicated is that the article may be considered out-of date: This is due to the fact that society is dynamic in nature, meaning that there are various changes that occur on a daily basis i.e. socio-economic developments in this

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Energy drinks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 4

Energy drinks - Essay Example Other components of energy drinks include water, minerals, and ions among other. Many researchers have found them quite harmful and helpful in equal measures. This article analyzes several benefits and risks of energy drinks has on a person. In addition, the essay stimulates other researchers to conduct more studies on this subject and illustrate how to deal with energy drinks. Energy Drinks are associated with a variety of benefits especially for athletes, which are related with the stimulation of the muscles to enable the athletes perform at their optimum. However, there have been recent concerns over the possibility of caffeine intoxication of the energy drinks, owing to the fact that some of the energy drinks range their caffeine content from â€Å"50 mg to an alarming 505 mg† (Reissiga, Straina & Griffithsb, 2009). The major aim of the energy drink consumption is to provide energy for sustenance, endurance, concentration and performance, thus the energy drinks are manufactured and advertized targeting athletes, students and individuals in professions requiring high concentration (Gunja & Brown, 2012). Basically, the benefit associated with energy drinks is that they provide sustained and prolonged energy that can enable individuals to continue undertaking certain activities for a long time. Therefore, energy drinks have not only been used by at hletes and students, but also by people in dance parties, who are seeking to sustain the party activities into late hours (Gunja & Brown, 2012). Despite the fact that caffeine is a safe substance according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), it should be limited to maximum of 71 mg per serving (Johnson, Foster & McDowe, 2014). This simply means that the excessive content of caffeine contained in the energy drinks, up to a maximum of 500 mg per serving, has the potential of causing caffeine intoxication (Johnson, Foster & McDowe, 2014). The major target of the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Professional Ethics And Governance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Professional Ethics And Governance - Assignment Example The creativity and the risk taking will provide the decision makers in securing and protecting the risky partnership with the stock of Enron and ensuring that the stock will not fall (Healey and Isles, 2002). The values of Enron that is included in the corporate culture is not balanced and maintained by proper and appropriate attention that is required for increasing the corporate integrity and also acquiring of the customers and not only providing value to its shareholders. The corporate culture of Enron mainly embraces its value which is of large size which is not only considered as the value but also as a strategy in order to attain big mission or objective. Enron has faced a severe failure partly because of the existence of complexity and partly because of its size and the auditors failed , the bankers and the creditors failed, the management of the company failed and even the regulators also failed to safeguard and control the integrity of the capital market (Erwin, 2011). The c ombination of the various failures has resulted in the structural problem of the company. Arthur Andersen has been considered as the most influential, high earning and the most ethical accounting firm of the world. In spite of the rise in the consulting services, the relationship of the firms with its clients the company faced several threats from the investors of its regulators, clients and courts. Andersen failure in maintaining proper audit has both legally and ethically disrupted the various aspects that are related to the development of the ethical standards and accounting theory. The maintenance of quality control which is termed and regarded as the most important element and factor in the accounting profession has also been violated by Andersen (Stevens, 2013). The corporate culture of Lehman brother can be analyzed by the fact that it failed to face the severe and aggressive recession that prevailed in the year 2008 and it went bankrupt. Lehman

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Purchasing and Buying Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Purchasing and Buying - Essay Example I had other experience though in my life that prepared me to make or buy decision. As a child, I was always interested in business and I created many ways to make small bits of money. My father was instrumental in providing me with an opportunity to understand business and as I continued to learn about business. When I entered the military, I knew I wanted to be a part of the Marine Corps right away. I became a purchasing specialist while living in Virginia and I was able to create 24 Government Purchase card holders. I had to negotiation and execute 1,300 small purchases. The way I did this was through the use of a Request of Quotation. Vendors had to submit this information and I was responsible for making the decision of which ones to purchase. I also learned how to increase revenues by putting together small contracts until we had everything we needed. As an example, I created a net income of $1.2 million for the card holders which made them very happy because I showed them how to save money. I was able to reduce costs again by creating an electronic Point of Sale system. The way that I was able to save money in this situation was to combine three positions into one. This saved 15% in the overall cost. I created a partnership with a local ending institution that gave us good rates and h elped us lower our cost by providing check verification. Since our company did not have to verify checks, I was able to create the opportunity to again save money. Because I continue to educate myself, I have created many skills that provide me with the knowledge that is needed for each of my jobs. I have received many achievements from my military training that has come in the way of various certificates. I also have a specialty in contract law and procurement which broadens my scope of skills and the world. I also have learned that there is more information than I could possibly

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Body Shop and its Success Principles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

The Body Shop and its Success Principles - Essay Example Many of Roddick’s slogans are designed to foster a sense of honesty and integrity, such as her in-store environmentalism campaigns, discounted refill services for environmental protectionism, and her acknowledgment that The Body Shop products have no miracle cure reinforce dedication to ethical business practice. Concepts of caring and loving, more emotionally-driven attitudes in business concept and product variety, clearly indicate a target market of the female audience. This supersedes existing patriarchical business philosophy in the beauty industry in this female-driven business related to policy development, ad concept, and even product development. Understanding the feminine persona at the psychological level gives The Body Shop its competitive edge. The company devotes little cash to marketing and advertising, believing the concept and Roddick’s brash attitudes with the assistance of PR services is enough to satisfy profit objectives and gain visibility in their key market demographic segments; and sales success supports this as a worthwhile strategy. The ample volume of corporate social responsibility activities bring this business much more value publicly and coupled with a more horizontal hierarchy, The Body Shop has established a culture loyal and dedicated to bringing success to the business. The Body Shop believes that â€Å"true beauty comes from confidence, vitality and inner well-being† (, 2009, p.1). The use of imagery designed to build on women’s self-esteem was the founding philosophies that brought considerable growth for The Body Shop. However, franchising and global growth have changed the dynamics of the customer/service worker relationship and the family-friendly atmosphere that Roddick so treasured personally and brought her a considerable brand  following. This has too changed Roddick’s relationship with subordinates and franchisees from a mentor to that of a corporate-minded executive, something Roddick is unsatisfied with.  

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Business Forms Evaluation and Recommendation Essay - 1

Business Forms Evaluation and Recommendation - Essay Example If Betty decides to take in someone else, then the form would be some kind of partnership, or a corporation, or a limited liability company or LLC, all of them valid legal business forms, and all of them placing some level of liability on the individual persons forming the business when it comes to being answerable to their customers and suppliers. Given that Betty does not seem to have that much experience with running a coffee business, then it seems to make sense, given the options available, to form the business as a franchise. Moreover, for reasons that are to be explored further in the other questions, the best form is one where Betty runs the business as a single proprietorship (Spadea, Lanard & Lignana, n.d.; Sanders and Lambert, 2007). There are several options for â€Å"partners† or people to take in by Betty into the business. John, her husband, is one, ready to supply some capital for the business. Alice, the sister of Betty, is another. Erma, Betty's neighbor, is yet another, though she is not Christian. The religious inclination is one consideration in choosing someone if one is to make an assumption with regard to how religious inclination translates to business, moral and related values. Other issues, such as the level of commitment and energy that the different people options are ready to pour into the business, also matter. As well, domestic issues that can limit involvement and can constitute a conflict of interest are also pertinent considerations. None of the three options or â€Å"partners† are completely free of issues. John has the money, but will not commit any time or attention to the business. It helps though that he is the significant person in Betty's life, being the husband. That vital relationship can make up for any lack of commitment in terms of giving time to operate the business. Alice, meanwhile, while potentially committed and  willing to give time and effort to operate the business with Betty, is constrained by a conflict of interest, the other party being family.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

White Privilege Essay Example for Free

White Privilege Essay In Peggy McIntosh’s article â€Å"White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible backpack† we see detailed examples of how white people are extremely privileged in ways that people of other races may never understand. Even though sometimes we do not realize this is happening it has been seen to be true in many things throughout history and in the world today. One of the parts of this article that caught my eye and made me think a bit was the list of 26 white privileges that McIntosh wrote about in her article. This list was very eye opening and made me think what I could put towards myself on this list. Even though I was born in a little different time that McIntosh was I was relatively aware that as a white male I was born with a number of privileges that came with not only the color of my skin but also by my gender, however this list did make me realize and understand some of the advantages of my skin that I often times look over. A good example that I could use before, I can’t say it is so easy now, is number 17 I can criticize our government and talk about how much I fear its policies and behavior without being seen as a cultural outsider. Before the election of Obama I could easily criticize my government and no one would really give me a second look about it, but I do have to say that now if I criticize my government I get called a racist, so now I kind of see better how those of a different race felt when they criticized our government and got called out about it. One thing for sure that I do have to say about this article is I could definitely tell that this article was written a good time ago. Many of the things stated in the list I felt were a little outdated especially the points that were talking about seeing mainly people of the white race in media or advertisements. Yes there was a point in time where this was very true but I feel like the world is doing a much better job at representing more than just one race when it comes to advertisements or media. In jean-Paul Sartre’s â€Å"Anti-Semite and the Jew we learn a lot about how he personally feels about Anti-Semites and what his description of an Anti-Semite is. Anti-Semitism is basically the hatred of someone who is Jewish. Sartre believes that is the Jew did not exist that the anti-Semite would invent him so they would have someone to hate. Anti-Semitism is something that was based more with the Nazi’s and Hitler. In my opinion I don’t really see it as much now but I can read plenty about it any many different books. In Sartre’s story he basically states that the anti-Semite had to have someone who he can feel superior to, which is why he states that is the Jew did not exist the anti-Semite would create him. He states that if by some miracle all of the Jews were exterminated as the anti- Semite wishes that the anti-Semite would be all alone, he would lose his sense of rights over the country because there would no longer be anyone to contest them. He states that the anti-Semite is in the unhappy position of having a vital need for the Jew he wishes to destroy. The anti- Semite is someone who needs a particular person to hate in order to feel superior to someone, and if all of the people that he hated were suddenly gone then he would no longer feel superior to anyone because he would then have no one to hate. In turn the anti-Semite would then have to create another thing to hate in order to bring back the feeling of superiority. This also was another one of those reading that you could tell was written a long time ago, because of the fact that we no longer see these things near as much as we see saw them in the past. Yes people do still tent to look down on Jews but it is still a particular group of people and not based on a race that has a significant hatred for another race. The anti-Semite can be looked at as a man that fears only himself and has to use that fear to create fear in the eyes of other in order to make he feel stronger and less powerless. How does Racism affect my life? I try not to let racism affect my life, in my everyday life I talk to and deal with all different kinds of races. Now I will say that as a white male I may have had a few doors open to me that other races might not have had, but on the other hand I chose to walk through the doors of the opportunities I had in order to better myself. People say that whites have had a lot more opportunity and a lot more doors open to them but I really don’t believe that it is as much true now as it was many years ago. I believe that we as a society try to make certain things out to be less opportunistic than they really are so we have something to talk, complain and or fight about, but in all actuality we all have certain doors open to us it is just a matter of whether we chose to step through the right door or not. People say that those of other races have had less opportunity than those who are white but let’s take a look into what is available now that benefits more of those in other races than the whites. There are major colleges that are race oriented, there are many scholarships for schools that are race based and only that race can receive that scholarship. As a white male yes I do have a lot of opportunities to gain work or gain money for school through scholarships but there is not one thing have seen that is specific to whites only when it comes to education. Now don’t get me wrong I know many years ago only whites could go to school here in the U. S. and it took some time to let other races into school but things have changed since then. So I would have to say that now, compared to if I was born many years ago, I do not believe racism or race plays a big factor in my life.

Friday, September 20, 2019

History Of Programming Languages Information Technology Essay

History Of Programming Languages Information Technology Essay Ford states that computers can only obey instructions that are issued to them.   In order for the instructions to be understood by both user and the computer there needs to be an interface to aid in the communication. This is where computer programming languages come in their primary function   is to aid the communication between the computer and the user. They provide a link between the human language and the machine language.   There is a huge variety of programming languages and each language has its own set of strengths and weaknesses and is geared with specific applications. Even though there is a huge number of computer languages out there today, computer languages are a fairly new field, since the first high-level languages were written in the 1950s, around the time computers were invented.   The earliest computers were programmed in binary so the set of instructions was just a series of 0 and 1. The interface back then was low-level language when a computer is given a series of instruction via a program, the computer executes the task and the interface in which the user communicates with the computer can either be a low- level or a high-level language. A high -level language does not communicate directly to the computer. Rather, high level languages is a language with a series of abstractions. Higher level languages allow the programmer to communicate more conveniently to the computer. Programming languages, together with their compilers span the gap between low-level, or binary, instructions that helps the machine understand and the high level languages, which allows the programmer to be more expressive. In software development, the programming language must be compatible with the design methodology at the design stage of software development. A facility is viewed as consisting of tools and methodologies and these should be compatible for maximum benefits. It is necessary to examine the relationship of the programming language to other components of a software development facility the first programming languages were designed for programming rather than for software development. However, even if a language was not designed with the goal of software production in mind, it must be evaluated on that criterion because that is the desired end. As a result, the software development process has imposed language design goals. First, reliability users should feel comfortable in using the programming language even in the presence of infrequent of undesirable events like hardware or software failures. This is also linked to correctness software is correct if it behaves according to its specifications the more rigorously and unambiguously the specifications are set down, the more convincingly program correctness can be proved. Reliability consists of readability, writability in the language and the ability to deal with exceptions, or so that the system is predictable even in abnormal situation. Second, maintainability software costs have risen and increasingly complex software systems have been developed, so economic considerations have reduced the possibility of throwing away existing software and developing similar applications from scratch. Existing software must be modified to meet new requirements. Examples of a language being modifiable is Modifiable examples are allowing constants to be given symbolic names, or just altering something in one line of the program to be changed and implemented in many other places in the program.Third, efficiency always a goal for the execution of any software system, and affects both the programming language and the choice of algorithms to be used.Efficiency is no longer measured by the execution of speed and space. The initial effort required to produce a program and the effort required in maintenance are also components of efficiency. Language supports efficiency if it has qualities of writability, maintainability, and optimizability. Optimizability is the quality of allowing automatic program optimization. This is important because a lot of the time traditionally spent in programming is spent on trying to find an efficient way of doing things. This should be removed from the early stages of the programming. So a developer should first write a program that is demonstrably correct, th en through a series of efficiency improving transformations, modify the program to obtain a correct and efficient one. Generally, features that promote optimizability hamper readability.These three goals can be achieved by appropriate tools and should be the certain characteristics of the programming language. Technically speaking, users use two sets of commands when they program on a modern computer; one for the operating system and one for the programming language. The operating system is basically a program which is loaded each time the computer is turned on and provides the set of instructions for the programmer to control operations in the computer. These operations include logging in, loading files, displaying information, and running a program. The operating system program provides the facilities to allow communication between the user and the computer to be initiated and continued. A translation program is needed to convert a programming language to translate a higher level programming language to the executable machine code so that the computer processor may understand. The two means of translating higher level languages are by compilers and interpreters. Compilers take the source code of the higher level programming language and converts it into object code (the 1s and 0s). This converts the entire program in one go and then resaves it in its converted form.   he translated object code is then linked and run. One of the advantages of using a compiler is that there are no errors in the syntax when the program is run since it would have shown up earlier at the translation stage. However, a compiler requires space to accommodate both the source and object files. On the other hand, interpreters look at the program statement by statement and translate and execute the single statement before going on to the next. This means that translation and the execution happ en simultaneously, not separately as with the compiler. The main advantage of the interpreter is that it is more effective in   debugging programs. However, interpreters suffer from poor execution speeds than compilers since each line has to be translated and executed, whereas the compilers translates it all at once. Programs, on the other hand,   have been around since the first computing device. The oldest artificial computing device, other than the abacus, is the Blaise Pascal/s Arithmetic Machine. Before computer programming languages were made, paper tapes and punch cards which held complicated weaving patterns for the loom Tabulating Machine Company Looms by Jacquard in 1710. A century   later, Charles Babbage starting building a computing machine and the Analytical Machine. In the 20th century, Herman Hollerith founded the Tabulating Machine a while later. His machine Tabulators were used to speed up the counting and sorting punch cards. In the early 1940s J. Presper Eckert and John W. Mauchly started building the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator), which was completed in 1946. Around the same time, near the end of World War II, Konrad Zuse began building his second generation electromechanical computers in Germany. After Zuse successfully completed building his com puter in 1945, he realized that he had no additional equipment for repairs or any kind of hardware development. He then turned his focus from hardware toward designing programming languages. Zuse is often referred to as the father of todays computer programming due to his contribution to the first programing language which was powerful enough to be able to express sophisticated programs. History of Programming Languages Software development process originally consisted only of the coding phase. The computer was mainly used in the early days in scientific applications an application was programmed by one person. The problem to be solved, like a differential equation, was well-understood. There was not much need for requirements analysis or design specification or even maintenance. The first programmable computers only spoke machine language, which is well known to be unreadable and tedious to work with. After, programming languages evolved to assembly languages which quickly became popular and   lot easier to work with. A disadvantage is that the assembly language is very limited since it only provides facilities already in the machine code. The assembly language gives the programmer access to the machine code instructions and the macros. The macros offers a single instruction to give a combination a combination of several machine code instructions and provide common requirements.   The introduction of assembly language in the 1950s paved the way and provided the key to later productions of of high level computer programming languages.The machine code and the assembly language are typically known as low-level languages. Assembly language offers the programmer the advantage of being able to specify where the programmer wants to allocate where the memory and data will start. This relieves some responsibility of the programmer to keep careful control over the memory. High level languages, on the other hand, take all responsibility away from the programmer. Rather, the use of variable names allow the programmer to reference particular parts of a program.   When computers were first electronically created, the limitations from the hardware forced programmers to write programs that directly communicated with the computers machine code. This was the assembly language. The assembly language implemented the symbols and number representations from the machine codes. Working with assembly languages was a very tedious and inefficient task. Assemblers created object code, or a system of instructions that executed directly by the computers central processing unit (CPU). An advantage to writing a program in the assembly language was the that it took less time to execute since it was a direct execution from the CPU. However, there were many disadvantages of writing programs in the assembly languages. Assembly language   associated the machine-language code to symbolic representations in the human language. This was one of the reasons why, it was so tedious to program with the assembly language. A programmer needed to be highly skilled and famili ar with assembly language to communicate with the assembly code. Additionally, written programs in assembly language were very prone to errors.   The assembly languages are often referred to low-level languages since it execute directly from the CPU. In order to solve this problem, a high-level programming language was created with a set of instructions more closely associated to the human language.   FORTRAN The very first high-level programming language was FORTRAN, which stands for FORmula TRANslation , It was developed in 1956 (first manual appeared in 1956, but first developed in 1954) by John Backus, a worker at IBM.  FORTRANs goal was to ease the pain of writing in assembly language.  When FORTRAN was first introduced, it was looked on suspiciously since almost all the programmers then only worked with the machine code and assembly languages. The programmers at that time had an initial belief that programs compiled from high-level language would be less efficient than those written at low-level. In order to persuade potential users of the benefits of working with a high-level language, Backus designed an excellent compiler for FORTRAN so the programs were just as efficient as those written in low-level languages. This was the best compiler for many years.   Ã‚   FORTRAN soon became popular because it provided a realistic and desirable alternatives to low-level language programming for mathematical and scientific applications. This programming language was also the first to be widely used. However, one of the limitations of FORTRAN was that it was specifically oriented toward the IBM 704 machine. This is a major set-back since the language syntax contains many idiosyncrasies from the IBM 704 machine.  From a pure programming language design standpoint this is a cardinal sin but historically, it is understandable. FORTRAN is known for its efficiency. Over the years, FORTRAN had been upgraded and developed into FORTRAN -II,  FORTRAN -IV,  FORTRAN -66, and  FORTRAN -77. Early versions of FORTRAN largely restricted users. On the other hand, the later versions allowed more flexibility, but since it has adapted, it is not as easy to use as it should be. The development of the fast string processing makes FORTRAN more of a general-purpose la nguage than it used to be, but it is still described as a mathematical or scientific language.   Lisp In contrast to FORTRAN, Lisp was first developed in 1956 as a functional language for list processing. LISP is one of the most used of the old, classical programming languages developed in the 1950s. The design was motivated by the need of Artificial Intelligence researchers for an appropriate language. But gradually replaced or challenged in AI applications by Prolog. There are very few  language  constraints in LISP.   Lists are the sole data structure and the only operations are function invocations, conditional expressions and recursion. Iteration is achieved by  recursion. Lisp is one of the very few functional as opposed to procedural programming languages.  A procedural language requires the user to express each step in performing an action whereas a functional language merely specifies what has been done.   Cobol Another first generation computer program language that impacted the design of recent languages was Cobol (COmmon Business Oriented Language). Cobol was created by Grace Hopper in 1960 and was heavily supported by the U.S. government. Cobol was originally designed to be the common business language in the nation. The design of Cobol was discussed in the pentagon with 6 computer manufacturers.   This maybe why the language is still in use even though it is very wordy and lacking in logical modules resulting in a unique English-like style that some have described as verbose. One of the advantages of   Cobol is is certain applications involving processing dollars and cents. Other advancements in Cobol include the character string data. Cobol is generally used globally in the government and military. Overall, Cobol was, and is still important because of its use for business applications. The first three high level languages mentioned FORTRAN, LISP, and COBOL were and still widely used, or have descendants that are widely used. These languages, with their diverse purposes, set the foundation for most of todays programming languages. BASIC Once the use of high-level languages became more widespread, programmers wanted to create   a programming language that would serve as an easy introduction to FORTRAN.   As a result, BASIC was designed by Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny   at Dartmouth College in 1963-1964 as an easy and interactive language. However, now BASIC (Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) is the most used language on microcomputers.The main purpose was to be a simple introduction which would prepare students to use FORTRAN later. BASIC was easier to program and had a user-friendly syntax than FORTRAN. The only aspect in which FORTRAN is better than BASIC is that it FORTRAN has more advanced features. BASIC is a general purpose language.Since the earliest use of BASIC was in education, the original language was fairly primitive and had only single variable names. However, people discovered that BASIC could be used as an applications programming language.   Interestingly enough, BASIC was not very popular when it first came out. However, microcomputers adopted BASIC as the preferred language since it was an interpretive language. Also, BASIC, in new forms, is still widely used. For example, BASIC is the foundation and large influence for languages like Microsoft Visual Basic and the object-oriented language Visual Basic .NET. Algol-60   Many other programs sprang up to improve the FORTRAN language. Algol-60 was created in  1958 as an improvement of FORTRAN . Then it was then redesigned, improved, and the final report was published in 1960. The key features of Algol-60 are that the syntax and the semantics are more orthogonal and that the language syntax is defined formally. This language is one of the most ingenious language definition efforts in the early days of programming languages, but never received widespread acceptance. The main language innovations are that Algol implemented a nested block structure, where code sequences and their associated declarations could be grouped into blocks without the need to be separate, explicitly named procedures. Also, Algol featured lexical scoping where a block can consist of private variables, procedures and functions but is invisible to code outside of the block, which is mainly information hiding. It is argued that Algol 60 is an obvious milestone to the development of programming languages because of its introduction of key concepts and its first use of formal notation for syntax. A large portion of the theoretical, practical and compiler work since Algols introduction has used Algol as the foundation. The main flaws, however, were the omission of IO and to a lesser degree the costly parameter passing method By Name. There are many improvements to the Algol-60 such as the Algo-W which was designed in the mid 1960s. Algol-W is very closely related to the Algol-60 even though they are not compatible with each other. The greatest difference between the Algol-W and the Algol-60 was that parameters no longer passes by name and that the For Statement was redesigned. The next three programming languages Pascal, C and Prolog, developed in 1970 and 1972 respectively, are some of the key languages of the period of a boom of programming languages, though C and Prolog spawned meaningful descendant languages. Most importantly, this period was when language paradigms, or certain styles were created. The paradigms are object-oriented programming, imperative programming, logic programming, and functional programming, and some may add the concurrent and database paradigms. This period of programming development also spurred the great goto and structured programming debate where structured programming forced structure on the programmer in language development. However, there is a general consensus that the goto statement should not be used because it has the potential of making programs hard to read because a user will have to jump around in a program to search for all the targets of goto statements and the existence of goto statements complicates automat ic optimization. Pascal One of the largest criticisms with the early computer programming languages were that it was not portable. Languages like BASIC was non-standard in nature. BASIC programs written in one system   often had to be completely rewritten for another make of a computer. To solve this problem, Pascal was designed between 1968 and 1970 by Niklaus Wirth of Zurich. Pascal was strongly influenced by Algo-w, a close relative to Algo-60. Pascal was intended as a teaching tool for illustrating the proper design data structures and structured statements. One of the greatest advantages in Pascal is its portability. Unlike FORTRAN and BASIC, Pascal has a self-compiler which allows programs in Pascal to be moved from different systems. Additionally, Pascal was so well-suited for compiler writing that the CDC-660 compiler could translate the whole compiler in a few seconds. Pascal is also a well structured language because it allows a series of statement to be grouped together,   their programs are made to be very readable,   and they have a provision of versatile procedure and function facilities. Mayer (1988) states that Pascal is a too good a language for the modest aim for which it was invented (p. 10). The greatest limitations however, was that it was not designed with a specific area of application in mind. Therefore, Pascal is more of a general purpose language but lacks special features for particular application. C The programming language C was created by Dennis Ritchie in 1972. It is a general-purpose, not very high level language and   mainly used as the systems language for the operating system UNIX. The chief design goal of C was to be a tool for working programmers, and therefore useful. C is a very popular language for the development of applications since it is flexible, convenient, powerful, efficient, and portable. Since it is a modern language, C provides the comprehensive range of control structures needed to allow well-structured programs to be written. C does not behave like a typical high level language because it offers features similar to low level languages since it is very similar to the source code. Basically, C is a systems language that features low level access with high level operators. Prolog Prolog is a non-procedural language with a focus on logic programming. In a Prolog program, it is not only necessary to express how a problem is to be solved but its not even possible to express this. The programmer specifies only what has to be done and Prolog does the rest the program requires a data base of facts or knowledge the programmer will ask questions and Prolog responds with the list of all possible correct answers that are inferred from the data base of facts. Prologs clauses for establishing the data base can be executed in any order they can be run in parallel. As a result, Pascal became a natural candidate as the systems language on the Japanese fifth generation supercomputers, or inference engines because Pascal achieves considerable speed even though a typical, single Prolog operation consumes a lot of processor time. In general, Pascals main use was for general and educational purpose and supported structured programming. The next two programs, in particular Ada, reflect the period of language design where scaling up to large systems was big with the use of modules which also increased the use of generics, or generic programming constructs, which are parameterized modules. Also, the reduced instruction set computer (RISC) movement gave rise gearing hardware design from assembly programmers and for compilers resulting in more focus in compilation technology for high level programming languages. Ada In the 1980s additional computer program languages were created to match with the speed and efficiency advancement of the computer. In  1983   after almost a decade of careful study of previous errors in programming language design – promising  Ada  introduced. Ada was expected by some in the computer science field to be the first language with the potential of becoming the universal, almost exclusive language of the future for embedded systems. The focus of the design of Ada was driven by the U.S. Department of Defense, who wanted a program that would reduce the number of military standard languages.  Ada had  the unique advantage of having been defined as an American National Standard before any implementation became available, saving it from a proliferation of corrupted language versions.   Ada  incorporates Pascals best ideas and corrected errors and omissions and has a much wider range of applications than Pascal   also  Ada  is strongly typed.  Ad as  problems are that IO is not defined as part of the language etc. In general, Adas intended purpose was to be a general purpose, real-time language with embedded applications. C ++ Another computer program language that object-oriented and systems programming designed int he 1980s is C++. C++ was unique in that it tried to mix in the high-level language features with low-level language features, making it a medium-level language. C++ was created by Bjarne Stroustrup in 1979 originally as C with Classes. In 1983, the name was changed to C ++. C++ is one of the most popular languages ever created and is widely used in the software industry. C++ is based off of C and it even compatible with C. The improvements of C++ from C is the addition of classes, exception handling, virtual functions, operator overloading, user-controlled free-store memory control, and improved type checking. Stroustrup designed C ++ as the ideal program to work with software. When  Stroustrup was working in Software Development, he found that the program Simula had very useful features, but the program was too slow to use. Heavily influenced by Simula, he based his improvements of C on fea tures in Simula and combined it with the speed and efficiency of C. However, there are some major criticisms of C++. Critics argue that C++ is too complicated. The language definition document of C ++ is almost three times as long as the language definition of C. Other drawbacks of C++ are that there are no features that create multi-threaded software and lacks a garbage collection. JAVA JAVA was created to simplify C ++ and was created due to the rise of the Web. JAVA was developed by James Gosling in 1991, and released in 1995. JAVA s syntax is heavily derived from C ++, but has a much simpler object model and has less low-level facilities.   Ã‚  The five goals of JAVA are: 1) Simple, object oriented, and familiar 2) Secure 3) Architecture neutral and portable 4) High performance 5) Interpreted, threaded, and dynamic.   In contrast to C ++, JAVA is  object-oriented, platform-independent, multi-threaded.   JAVA is used as a foundation of Web, network services, applications, and many embedded devices in addition to the programming language HTML. Another feature of JAVA is that it allows programmers to write software on one platform, also know as the hardware architecture, and run it on another platform. Overall, JAVA meets most its goals, it is familiar since it is closely related to C++ and its platform allows for JAVAs programs to be portable. It has features that are lacking in C ++ such as an automatic garbage collector to manage the Internet. One of the major drawbacks of JAVA, however, is that its run time is a bit slow. Also, the majority of JAVA is opened sourced. JAVA is one of the many new languages that appeared in the 1990s in response to the boom of the Internet. All the developed languages of this time were object-oriented languages. Other languages introduced at this time were PHP a nd Python. Convergence some languages may reach a dead end. The evolution of languages is convergence the space of possibilities is smaller and partly because mutations are not random language designers deliberately incorporate ideas from other languages. Current Issues with Programming Languages With the growing open source community, almost anyone can develop a programming language. However, this poses several problems. Graham explains that this may result in a type of developed language called top-heavy, which is a language with a poorly designed inner core but has very powerful libraries of code to solve for specific problems so the libraries are vastly more important than the core language. Also, Bjarne Stroustrup, the inventor of C++, points out some of the current issues with modern programming languages and software development. These days, average pieces of code have poor structure and programmers clearly dont think deeply about correctness, algorithms, data structures or maintainability. He said that today, most people dont actually read code. Developers concentrate on getting the job done by excessively using brute force and testing, though these are usually not enough. They become skilled in building reliable systems out of unreliable parts, and somehow, the syst em shapes into something minimally acceptable, even though the developers dont know how or why. The issue here is that developers need to pursue more correct, solid and secure systems instead of going the cheapest and fastest route that contain a lot of bugs. Today, developers are undereducated and under trained.   Programming languages should not be more complex than necessary, but they should not be decreased in level of expressiveness to serve people who can hardly understand the real problem to be solved and the concepts. Another issue is that it is difficult to implement incremental change directly related to real-world systems in academia. Theory and practice rarely meet researchers gear away from real-world software development to academic topics, and many developers ignore research results. If this could change, then possibly Stroustrups criticisms of todays development could change so that developers are more educated and develop more correct, maintainable and efficient code. More specifically, a current issue with programming languages is security and reliability. There are mechanisms being developed and implemented to add safety to languages like extended static checking, information flow control and static thread safety. A program is considered thread safe if it functions correctly during simultaneous execution by multiple threads so that there is no unwanted interaction between threads. Type safety and access control are also    Why are there so many programming languages? There are more than 8,500 total programming languages, according to HOPL (History Of Programming Languages). As demonstrated previously, the many thousand programming languages developed over the years is a result of the growing number of applications and uses for languages and also updated and revised versions of existing programming languages. Over the past years, more and more programming languages have been developed for application in different areas like nuclear power plants or patient monitoring systems, etc. Also, more and more programming languages have been developed for users with little or no computer background. Most programming languages, as mentioned before, are descendants of already existing ones (more economically feasible than creating new languages). One may argue that there is a self-perpetuating cycle that leads to the development of programming languages. Developers notice shortcomings in using their current programming language, make a list of the current annoyances and they look for a new, little known language that has a lot fewer of these annoyance. Then, the developers will drive the development   of the new language by contributing code, writing powerful libraries and spreading the word of their newly developed language so that it is implemented in their workplace and then after a while, these developers will notice shortcomings in their current programming language leading into the cycle. However, even though a newly developed programming language gets rid of shortcomings of its ancestor language, new shortcomings arise. To answer the question of why there are so many languages, computer scientists have explained the concept of a programming languages and their uses in analogies. A programming language can be seen as a tool like a certain type of saw or screwdriver that is specially designed and used for certain situations and problems. However, there are also overlaps in ways that some programming languages have many similarities or may be descendants of others. Certain classes of problems require, or can be solved more effectively with certain languages. In addition, each language can be seen as a form of expression programmers find certain languages easier to use or understand as their own unique way of expression. Paul Graham describes the notion of a programming language renaissance. Until the 1980s, only professors or corporate researchers had the ability to develop programming languages because their institutions had the financial means t

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Ancient Greece :: Ancient Greece Essays

Ancient Greece Greece   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Greek peninsula has been culturally linked with the Aegean Islands, and the west coast of Asia Minor since the Neolithic Age. The numerous natural harbors and close-lying islands lead to a unified, maritime civilization. However cultural unity did not produce political unity. Mountain ranges and deep valleys separated the peninsula into small economic and political units. Constant feuding between cities and surrounding empires for political power made Greece the sight of many battles. Prehistoric Period   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Archeological evidence shows that a primitive Mediterranean people, closely related to races of northern Africa, lived in the southern Aegean area as far back as the Neolithic Age. A cultural progression from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age started about 3000 BC. This civilization, during the Bronze Age was divided into two main cultures. One on these, called Cretan or Minoan was centered on the island of Crete. The other culture, Helladic (who became Mycenaean) populated mainland Greece. The Minoan culture dominated trade until 1500 BC when the Mycenaeans took control.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the third millennium BC a series of invasions from the north began. The most prominent of the early invaders, who were called the Achaeans, had, in all probability, been forced to migrate by other invaders. They overran southern Greece and established themselves on the Peloponnesus. Many other, vaguely defined tribes, were assimilated in the Helladic culture. Ancient Greece   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gradually, in the last period of Bronze Age Greece, the Minoan civilization fused with the mainland. By 1400 BC the Achaeans were in possession of the island itself, and soon afterward gained control of the mainland. The Trojan War, described by Homer in the Iliad, began about 1200 BC and was probably one of a series of wars waged during the 12th and 13th centuries BC. It may have been connected with the last and most important of the invasions which happened at about the same time and brought the Iron Age to Greece. The Dorians left the mountains of Epirus and pushed their way down to Peloponnesus and Crete, using iron weapons to conquer the people of those regions. The Invading Dorians overthrew Achaean kings and settled in the southern and eastern part of the peninsula. The Hellenic Period   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the great migrations in the Aegean, the Greek developed a proud racial consciousness. They Called themselves Hellenes. The term Greeks, used by foreign peoples, was derived from Graecia, the Latin for a small Hellenic tribe of Epirus, the first Hellenes that the Romans had dealings with. Out of the mythology that became the basis of an intricate religion, the Hellenes developed a genealogy that traced their ancestry to semidivine heroes. Ancient Greece :: Ancient Greece Essays Ancient Greece Greece   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Greek peninsula has been culturally linked with the Aegean Islands, and the west coast of Asia Minor since the Neolithic Age. The numerous natural harbors and close-lying islands lead to a unified, maritime civilization. However cultural unity did not produce political unity. Mountain ranges and deep valleys separated the peninsula into small economic and political units. Constant feuding between cities and surrounding empires for political power made Greece the sight of many battles. Prehistoric Period   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Archeological evidence shows that a primitive Mediterranean people, closely related to races of northern Africa, lived in the southern Aegean area as far back as the Neolithic Age. A cultural progression from the Stone Age to the Bronze Age started about 3000 BC. This civilization, during the Bronze Age was divided into two main cultures. One on these, called Cretan or Minoan was centered on the island of Crete. The other culture, Helladic (who became Mycenaean) populated mainland Greece. The Minoan culture dominated trade until 1500 BC when the Mycenaeans took control.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  During the third millennium BC a series of invasions from the north began. The most prominent of the early invaders, who were called the Achaeans, had, in all probability, been forced to migrate by other invaders. They overran southern Greece and established themselves on the Peloponnesus. Many other, vaguely defined tribes, were assimilated in the Helladic culture. Ancient Greece   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Gradually, in the last period of Bronze Age Greece, the Minoan civilization fused with the mainland. By 1400 BC the Achaeans were in possession of the island itself, and soon afterward gained control of the mainland. The Trojan War, described by Homer in the Iliad, began about 1200 BC and was probably one of a series of wars waged during the 12th and 13th centuries BC. It may have been connected with the last and most important of the invasions which happened at about the same time and brought the Iron Age to Greece. The Dorians left the mountains of Epirus and pushed their way down to Peloponnesus and Crete, using iron weapons to conquer the people of those regions. The Invading Dorians overthrew Achaean kings and settled in the southern and eastern part of the peninsula. The Hellenic Period   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  After the great migrations in the Aegean, the Greek developed a proud racial consciousness. They Called themselves Hellenes. The term Greeks, used by foreign peoples, was derived from Graecia, the Latin for a small Hellenic tribe of Epirus, the first Hellenes that the Romans had dealings with. Out of the mythology that became the basis of an intricate religion, the Hellenes developed a genealogy that traced their ancestry to semidivine heroes.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

social contract Essay -- essays research papers

"The current federal system of government in the United States is failing to meet its social contract obligations to the American people." There is nothing closer to the truth than this statement. While some may argue that the government is following the guidelines of a social contract, many aspects of the government have outgrown their britches and taken over. With over fifteen thousand jobs up for the taking in the government it is hard to believe that the government comprised in the 18th century is the same as the one we have now. The government has grown exponentially large since than and has created new positions and departments to "better serve" the country. Such departments include the Department of Homeland Security. Now not to trash the decision to create it; but, teenagers, such as myself, only know that this department will change a color on a chart depending on if they think it's safe or not. We have no knowledge of what it does or what it's supposed to do. Yet for some odd reason we have to pay the bills for this department through our paychecks. Shouldn't we know a little about what it does before we get taxed to help run it? How can this department better serve us if we don't know what it does and how it is helping us? The larger it grows the more money we have to pay to it, and the less independent a citizen become s. The government's main and only goal in the social contract is to protect its citizens. Yet the government seems to interv...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Essay --

Poets commonly employ verse for praise or some degree of adoration. There lacks rarity of odes applauding love, time and attractive lovers; however, odes concerning the idea of the soul are quite scarce. In â€Å"Ode to Psyche, Keats elicits the Greek myth of Cupid and Psyche to celebrate the union of a mortal Psyche and a god Cupid. Not unique to many of Keats’ work, the poem praises the unconventional yet stimulating. Keats’ lush imagery effectively depicts the speaker’s undying devotion to the eventual goddess of the soul though he is but mortal. Through replacement, the speaker becomes a priest of Psyche in that his mind serves as a sanctuary for Psyche, where he devotes himself to magnifying his consciousness through her inspiration. In the first and second stanza, the speaker describes witnessing two individuals in an embrace neither in a state of separation nor a state of union. He immediately recognizes the winged boy, but is astonished to discover Psyche, â€Å" But who was thou, O happy, happy dove?† (22). They are in a state of Eden enfolded by lush imagery and cool rooted flowers. A sense of serenity encapsulates the lovers, â€Å" The lips touched not but had not bade adieu† (11). The lovers exist in a state of symmetry; they are neither detached nor adjoined but instead are surrounded by their own essence, their â€Å"aurorean love† (13). The third stanza reads effortlessly and with little disturbance. The speaker communicates this ease through the soft syllabic â€Å"s† sounds repeated frequently throughout the stanza. Keats also employs the delicate adjectives of â€Å"hush’d† â€Å"fragrant-eyed† and â€Å"soft-handed† to show the delicate state in which the two lovers, Psyche and the winged figure, exist. In line 23, the speaker states â€Å"His Psyche tr... his psyche, his soul. Similarly, through her inspiration he will expand his consciousness and praise her by allowing the â€Å"warm Love in† (68). Through the technical irregularities evident in the number of lines, rhyme scheme and even meter in each respective stanza, Keats constructs a playful sense about the poem; the poem develops to be more spontaneous than structured. Keats’ imagery contributes to the dreamlike sense about the poem and stresses the natural beauty of Psyche or the soul. The speaker experiences a journey realizing his desire to become a priest of Psyche, a worshipper of Psyche and inadvertently of his own soul. He transforms from questioning the lack of excitement surrounding Psyche to eventually igniting his own. The speaker becomes a priest of Psyche because he is able to praise his psyche himself without relying on the efforts of others.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Diffusion Coefficient Apparatus Essay

General Start-up Procedure: ïÆ'Ëœ Prior to running an experiment, students are advised to perform the following startup procedure. ïÆ'Ëœ Fill the water with clean (preferably filtered) water to approximately 20 mm from the top. ïÆ'Ëœ Plug the main cable to the electrical supply. Be sure that the voltage of the supply is correct to suite the equipment. ïÆ'Ëœ Switch on the main power on the control panel. ïÆ'Ëœ Adjust the set-point value on the temperature controller to 500C. Warning!! Do not set the temperature controller beyond 700C. Switch on the heater. Observe the water temperature heats up to 50 0C and remain constant. The equipment is now ready for experiment. Priming procedure for capillary Tube: Before using the capillary tube in an experiment using acetone, students are advised to clean the inside of the tube. ïÆ'Ëœ Prepare a weak solution of detergent. ïÆ'Ëœ Use the Hirschman pipette to fill the tube with the solution. Tapping the of side of the tube may be necessary if the solution is trapped and does not flow down. ïÆ'Ëœ Turn the tube upside-down and shake. Empty the tube. ïÆ'Ëœ Repeat steps 2 to 3 with acetone. ïÆ'Ëœ The tube is now ready for student experiment. General Shut-down Procedure: ïÆ'Ëœ After the completion of an experiment, students are advised to shut down the equipment as follows: ïÆ'Ëœ Switch off the heater and air pump. ïÆ'Ëœ Adjust the set-point value of the temperature controller to approximately 5 degree below the room temperature. ïÆ'Ëœ Allow the water to cool down until it is safe to touch. Open the drain valve and empty the water tank. ïÆ'Ëœ Detach the flexible tubing and clean the capillary tube for next use. (Refer to priming procedure) ïÆ'Ëœ Switch off the main power. Unplug the main cable if the equipment will not be used for a long period. EXPERIMENT OBJECTIVE: To determine gas diffusion coefficient of acetone using the established Winkelmann’s method. Procedure: 1. Perform the start-up procedure. 2. Partially fill the capillary tube with acetone to a depth of about 35 mm. 3. Carefully insert the capillary tube through the fitting on the top of the water bath cover. Do not over-tighten the fitting. 4. Observe the initial level of acetone through the telescope. Record the level of acetone. 5. Connect the flexible tubing from the air pump line to one end of the capillary tube. Switch on the air pump. 6. After 30 minutes, switch off the air pump. Disconnect the flexible tubing and close the two capillary tubes ends with the cap provided. Observe and record the level of acetone. 7. Repeat steps 4 to 6 at 30 minutes intervals. ANALYSIS & DISCUSSION: Plot t/ (L-L0) against (L-L0).Determine gas diffusivity, D from the obtained slope, S. Compare the experimental value with the theoretical value that can be predicted from empirical equations (e.g. modified Maxwell’s equation by Gilliland).

Children Charged as Adults

Children Charged as Adults†¦How Young is too Young? Ralonda Ross Post University 1. In the article â€Å"Adult Time for Adult Crime? † Nathaniel Abraham is a perfect example of how young is too young. He is an adolescent who committed a crime at a considerably young age and got charged as an adult. Nathaniel has not been sentenced yet because it is unclear as to whether he has the intellect to understand the nature of his crime of not. 2. Punishing Juvenile Offenders as Adults: An Analysis of the Social and Political Determinants of Juvenile Prison Admissions across the United States† is an article that focus on how there is a difference between the states. The number of juveniles that get sentenced to adult prison differs because of the minority committing the crimes. In addition, is explains how the juveniles who go to juvenile have a less chance to be assaulted than the ones in prison with adults. . The website with the article â€Å"Adult Time for Adult Crimesà ¢â‚¬  is a good reference because it gives me in site on different ways to view whether it is fair to charge children as adults. It also helps me to understand the mindset of the juveniles at different ages. Overall it is a good website to assist me with my paper. References Adult time for adult crime?. (2000). Current Events, 99(16), 2a.Carmichael, J. T. (2011). Punishing Juvenile Offenders as Adults: An Analysis of the Social and Political Determinants of Juvenile Prison Admissions across the United States. Sociological Focus, 44(2), 102-123. Hudson, D. L. , Jr. (2009) ABA Journal. How to retrieve internet information. Retrieve from http://www. abajournal. com/magazine/article/adult_time_for_adult_crimes/

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Business process reengineering Essay

1) Why are information systems (IS) essential in organizations? Information systems are the modern approach to data organization. It allows an effective and efficient way to store, modify, retrieve and manipulate data and information for a specific business or organization. 2) Why do systems analysts need to know who the stakeholders are in the organization? One of the major task and responsibilities of the system analyst is to bridge the connection of all the stakeholders in the organization. The system analyst has experience and/or knowledge in every perspective in a system and delivers their expertise in whatever section the analyst is analysing. Along with this, the system analyst must have good interpersonal communication and relation skills in order to have effective communication/relation with the stakeholders. 3) Who are the typical stakeholders in an information system? What are they roles? Besides the system analyst, the major players in an information system is the project manager, the system owners, designers, builders and users. The project manager is an experience professional who takes on the monitoring of the course of the project being in terms of scheduling and budget. The project manager also ensure quality and standards upon his team. The system designer uses the project requirement and plans out the design of the system. Its their responsibility to create the architecture of the business plan over the database(s) and the network. They visualize the process from input to output which is used by the system users but created by the system builders. The system builders will make the necessary tools that the system users will require. The system users are the ones who put into effect the outcome of the information system. They manipulate data with day-to-day tasks such as entering, storing, validating and exchanging information. System users may be internal or ex ternal (ESP). 4) Please explain the consequences are if an information system lacks a system owner? Many stakeholders are crucial to the development of the system and without a system owner, the project may not come to realization. To start, the team will require funding and without proper financial management, the team members will need to cut corners and may not have the proper equipment or tools to establish the project requirements. To add, without a system owner, the project manager must take on more responsibilities to ensure correct operations and maintenance is being held through the systems development. 5) What are the differences between internal users and external users? Give examples. Internal users take up the majority of the population of workers involved in the system. Internal users are ones to remain in the facilities of the project while external users could either be temporary workers or workers in a different location that the building that holds the business. Internal users can be categorized into clerical/service, technical/professional or supervisor/management workers.Temporary workers may be experts brought in for advice or other external users may be considered remote or mobile users having new or different location than their previous post. 6) What are the differences between the role of system analyst and the rest of the stakeholder? The system analyst has many more responsibilities than a single stakeholder because the system analyst needs to understand each point of view to fill in the communication gaps. For example, a system analyst must understand the responsibilities and view of the system users in order to visualize help for system builders. 7) What skills and knowledge must a system analysts posses The goal of the system analyst is to improve the system. In order to facilitate this burden, the analyst must know how to ‘system think’ and improve their mind into a problem-solving state. To start, he/she must have a vast knowledge in technology and should stay on top of the game by learning new and emerging technologies. In order for the analyst to be able to give expertise to programmers, the analyst must itself have great experience in multiple languages of programming. A system analyst must also be able to connect the bridges from technology to business and to be able to communicate with the business side of the organization. 8) In addition to the business and computing knowledge the system analysts should possess, what are the other essential skills that they need to effectively complete their jobs? 9) Why are good interpersonal skills essential for system analyst? Although an analyst has great practical skills, he also must have a great character and leadership skills to develop a more important skill: communication. It is crucial to be able to reach out to the other stakeholders with qualities such as great interpersonal social, communication and relation skills. A system analyst cannot be someone who isn’t able to handle dynamic groups and must be ready for change with flexible flexibility. Finally, a system analyst must be a respectable worker with good moral ethics. 10) What are some of the business drivers for today’s information systems? Globalization of the economy The information system must be globalized to support access from any country/language/culture. Situation are resolved with international stakeholders who can read/write/communicated in the desired language Electronic commerce and business the information service of a commerce or business going to the internet in order to either buy/sell/exchange goods or inform the public about the business. It modernizing things out in the market, onto the virtual platform for simplicity in accessing information Security and privacy As users/customers raise awareness in security and privacy online, companies/businesses must keep up with preventing a security breach. Information and data must only be viewed with users and/or managers with permission. Collaboration and partnership Within one’s business, it’s necessary to open the connections between departments and outside a single business, its important to establish partnership to have easy cooperations with other organizations and to make better business sense. Knowledge asset management Knowledge is the combination of data into useful information and these three are considered as an importance in business resource Continuous improvement The system analyst is always making the effort to add to process improvement which can be either making price reduction changes or adding value to the current process Total quality management A true key of success is overall quality which can only be achieved by the quality factor of each stakeholders. TQM is approach that is acknowledge by the workers to ensure sastifying quality in the system Business process redesign This is the approach to improvement in business process in effect to cheaper cost and additional value. This differs than CPI by modifying bigger changes in the business 11) What are the difference between electronic commerce and electronic business? E-commerce has the goal of making a financial profit by the sell/buy/exchange of products or services. E-business may be an informant website to display electronic support directly to one’s business. 12) What are the difference between information and knowledge? Both information and knowledge comes from raw data, but it’s information that comes out of the process and organization of data. Considering stand-alone data has no relative meaning, it is formed and group in such that information may be achieved. Knowledge is the deep form of information that may be interpreted as facts, truths, beliefs, judgments, experience or/and expertise. 13) What are the most important technology drivers for today’s information systems? Network and the Internet System informations will use the internet with all their tools which can consist of the languages (HTML, XHTML, PHP, javascript, perl, etc†¦), Intranets and Extranets, portals and web services. Mobile and wireless technologies with nowadays hardware, mobile gadgets are becoming increasingly popular because wireless technologies are becoming more efficient and practical Object technologies The use of high-level programming involved in object-oriented design. The use of objects as data are more efficient and reusable Collaborative technologies consist of technologies to aid communication with tools such as emails, instant messaging, groupware and workflow Enterprise applications business will develop custom software and application in order to achieve desired results with better compatibility than to buy a license for an application

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Making Salt Lab

Let’s Make Salt Purpose: Could NaCl be made using NaHCO3, hydrochloric acid, and a boiling chip? Hypothesis: If I combined NaHCO3, hydrochloric acid, and a boiling chip I think it will form NaCl because when you balance the equation it makes a new chemical reaction. Materials needed: test tube cleaner, test tube, test tube tongs, hot plate, a scale, graduated cylinder, water, goggles, fire retardant glove, beaker, test tube holder, a scoopula, hydrochloric acid, sodium bicarbonate, soap, pipette, and a boiling chip. Procedures: 1.Clean your test tube with a test tube cleaner, soap, and water. Make sure the test tube is clean and dry. 2. Place a boiling chip in the test tube and measure it. 3. Add 1g of NaHCO3(sodium bicarbonate) to the test tube with the scoopula, then measure. 4. Take about 5mL of hydrochloric acid in your graduated cylinder. Using your pipette add the hydrochloric acid to the NaHCO3. It will start to bubble, when the bubbling stops, don’t add anymore acid. 5. Once the bubbling stops, swirl what’s inside the test tube to be sure everything mixes together. 6.Place the test tube in a beaker with water. It will start to boil. Continue letting it boil until all liquid is evaporated out of the test tube. 7. Once the test tube cools off measure what’s inside the test tube. 8. Place the test tube back inside the beaker on the hot plate for 2-3 minutes. 9. Allow the test tube to cool and re-weigh it again. Observation/Data: NaHCO3+HClNaCl+H2O+CO2 1gNaHCO3*1molNaHCO3/84gNaHCO3*1molNaCl/1molNaHCO3*58gNaHCO3/1molNaCl=. 6904761905 . 6904761905theoretical yield 1actual yield 1/. 6904761905=1. 448275862 1. 448275862*100=144. 275862 144. 8275862percent yield Mass of test tube & boiling chip| 20g| Mass of test tube, boiling chip & NaHCO3| 21g| Mass of NaHCO3(b-a)| 1g| Mass of test tube & boiling chip NaCl (1st hearing)| 20g| Mass of test tube & boiling chip NaCl (2nd hearing)| 21g| Mass of NaCl (e-a)| 1g| Conclusion: My hypothesis was correct because both substances together formed NaCl in the end. In the lab everything worked out right because in the end none of my masses were the same as I started with. It weighed 20g in the beginning and ended with 21g and the mass of NaCl 1g.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The History of Human Resources Management Research Paper

The History of Human Resources Management - Research Paper Example Industrial relations and organizational behavior are much the same paving the way for HRM as the ideal management model responsive to the pressures of intensive competitive forces. By definition, HRM simply refers to a system of operational management designed to ensure effective and efficient use of human talents in accomplishing organizational objectives (Mathis & Jackson, 2007). The function of HRM in the business enterprise has a long history, with roots right in the rise of modern industry in the nineteenth century. This article endeavors to put into perspective the history and development of the subject matter at hand, providing in part its progressive nature into the modern status. The Genesis and Early Development of HRM A generic thought that involves the management of labor services in production, human resource management (HRM) has its origin in the establishment of formal enterprises during the course of human history. Though recent in its use within the academic circles and/or in industrial developments [barely two decades old], the ideas engendered in "human resource management" are old and goes back to the dawn of human history. It [human resource management] has, thus, only undergone social and economic makeovers from earlier forms of administration through history, necessitating name changes a couple of times to accommodate the various productivity optimization add-ons. HRM as practiced today has two distinct antecedents: the emergence of industrial welfare in the 1800s and the creation of separate recruitment and selection offices/departments in the 1900s. The 1800s, particularly in the 1830s onwards, quite a number of companies begun the provision of various workplace and family amenities that included medical cover, housing, libraries , recreational programs, among other free services deemed important for effective and efficient production (Gospel, 1992). The inclusion of these extra services, reportedly pioneered by the German industries, f requently called for the creation of temporary departments hitherto known as welfare departments out of humanitarian concerns. From temporary positions created out of necessity to handle immediate tasks regarding employees’ wellbeing, separate employment offices, often staffed by one or a limited number of lower-level clerks, emerged to centralize and standardize functions such as recruitments and the general record-keeping of employee-related issues. The enactment of civil service legislations across Europe solidified the importance of employment departments, contributing to phasing out of the temporary nature of these departments into permanent offices. Farnham (1921) report of a German steel company Krupp having had an established Personnelburo as an independent office handling staff related functions since the late 1800s. As similar bureaus became widespread, the term ‘employment management’ quickly became the accepted description of the new management functi on with wide cross border managerial support. Routing employment management to HRM as ordered today was the emergence of the doctrine of scientific management (SM) authored